Hello I'm Brad. A Las Vegas - based Software Engineer.

Recently I built SmoothSail, a feature flag management tool for decoupling deployment from release.

SmoothSail dashboard screenshot

SmoothSail is a feature flag management tool designed for decoupling deployment from release. It enables developers to target specific demographics of users in order to limit the impact of unforeseen bugs in production.

Built using Node.js, Express, React, PostgreSQL, NATS JetStream, and Docker for users to conveniently deploy to their infrastructure of choice.

Other Projects

ForRequests dashboard screenshot


A RequestBin like web application for testing and debugging webhooks and HTTP requests. Built using TypeScript, React, Express, and PostgreSQL. Deployed to DO Droplet.

Personal portfolio screenshot

Personal Portfolio

This is my personal portfolio site for showcasing my projects. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, Framer Motion, and Shadcn UI.

Music lesson planner screenshot

Music Lesson Planner

A web application for scheduling music lessons with a private teacher. Built with Ruby, Sinatra, ERB, and PostgreSQL.

Todos project screenshot


Your classic application for creating, updating, and deleting todos with dynamic filtering by date and completed. Built with Node.js, Express, Handlebars, and SQLite.